Beginner’s Intensive Course
Reading books on Feng Shui can be a good introduction to the basic concepts. However books alone will not give you the solid foundation and skills required to practise the art of Feng Shui effectively.
The Art of Feng Shui requires a deep understanding of the fundamental principles, essential theories, and most importantly the analysis, interpretation and practical application of Classical Feng Shui theories.
This course provides a solid, convenient method for those who would like to grasp the fundamentals of Feng Shui in the shortest possible time. It is also an invaluable resource for:
Self-taught Feng Shui practitioners seeking formal training and new skills.
Those who are confused about Classical Feng Shui versus the “new” schools
Experienced practitioners frustrated with contrasting theories, and seeking to refine their basic foundational skills.
If you want to learn Classical Feng Shui; Module One is the cornerstone of the program. It is the most practical and comprehensive introduction to the many facets of Feng Shui practice you’ll find anywhere.
Participants will leave with a basic understanding of:
The concepts of Heaven-Earth-Man. Yin and Yang. The Qi. The Five Elements. The Eight Trigrams, popularly known as the Ba Gua. Applications of Eight Mansions.
You will learn Flying Stars (a topic normally taught in advanced levels in other schools).
You will gain the necessary skills required to apply Feng Shui effectively and efficiently for yourself and others. You will find out what to do and the best way to do it. This course is designed to provide you with the necessary tools and the fundamental skills to practice Feng Shui correctly.
Module 1 of the Feng Shui Mastery series sets you on the right path using methodologies that are proven to work.