Feng Shui numbers apply to the house as well as to the persons living there. Its purpose is to look for the best QI (energies) in the house for each individual, bed positioning, place of the oven, direction of the entrance door.
The Gua (to be pronounced “Kua”) of your loved ones will make you understand them better. It will be easier for you to see what motivate them or leave them uninterested. you will discover with astonishment how the commentaries on the relationship between people are true just by looking at their number.
You are very sensitive, but you prefer to hide it under a poker face. Like your element water, no one knows which thoughts are hiding deep down in you. You behave wisely with your loved ones. You like to communicate and to establish sentimental relationships based on earthy contacts.
Element: water
Season: winter
Colour: black or blue
Life Gua: North
Direction to avoid: Southwest
You are stable like the earth you are made of. You take your time to think over things, and hate to accomplish a task in a hurry. You know how to give very good advices. Just remember “no ask, no advice”
Element: Earth
Season: beginning of Autumn
Colour: yellow and ochre
Life Gua: Southwest
Direction to void: North
You are generous and gregarious, but like to be free from restraints. Your strength, your brightness and your practical mind allows you to take wise decisions.
Element: Wood
Season: Spring
Colour: Deep Green
Life Gua: East
Direction to avoid: West
You are often very friendly and you appreciate to work in a group. Gifted for so many things, you are always a bit wary when it’s time for you to make a choice.
Element: Wood
Season: Spring
Colour: Light Green
Life Gua: Southeast
Direction to avoid: Northwest
You are gifted with an intuition which allows you to see what is behind people’s head. You need to live in a world of justice and order. You like to dominate all situations in life. A bit ruff, you are in fact very comprehensive as long as your loved ones make you believe you’re the one deciding at home.
Element: metal
Season: autumn
Colour: white and all metallic colours
Life Gua: Northwest
Direction to avoid: South
You know how to enjoy and take the good sides of life. You have a lot of friends. You are often very elegant. You hate all conflicts, being careful to stay out of them.
Element: metal
Season: autumn
Colour: white and metallic colours
Life Gua: West
Direction to avoid: East
You can be trusted and your advices are sought after and sincere. You prefer to work alone. Sometimes you wait too long before taking action and you don’t know how to delegate.
Element: earth
Season: winter
Colour: yellow and ochre
Life Gua: Northeast
Direction to avoid: Southeast
You have a bright and quick mind and you become nervous when you have to deal with people slower than you. You have to learn to master yourself and to accept that the world is far from perfect. Nobody gets bored in your company.
Element: fire
Season: summer
Colour: red
Life Gua: South
Direction to avoid: Northwest
Add the last two digits of your year of birth.
If you get two digits, add them again until you get only one number you add to 5.
Add the last two digits of your date of birth.
If you get two digits, add them until you get only one number you deduct from 10.